The Blog
A space where I grapple with my own lessons, struggles, and faith. Sometimes I have reflection questions or freebies linked in posts. Sometimes I leave the post as unresolved as I am.
What I’m Proud of in 2022
2022 was a good year for me. It also held a new kind of difficult. The "ands" of 2022 feel very strong, really.
In 2022, I got to spend a whole year living into my values in a new way. I got to step into a full year of doing this new thing and establishing the rhythm of life for my family I spent so long craving.
This new working pace destroyed my expectations of what good productivity should look like. In fact, this year I got the wild wake up call that productivity has been quite the idol in my life and so I spent a lot of time dethroning it. And the work of dethroning productivity, and de-commodifying my very self has resulted in a wildly different list of things I'm proud of this year than I would have anticipated or imagined in January 2022…
A Quick Practice In Holiday Intentionality
We all access our stress-coping behaviors when we feel pressure. If you know yourself, you're probably aware of what parts of your stress response you like and don't like. If you know enneagram, you're probably aware of what stress means when it comes to your type. The reality for all of us is that when we are under pressure, our brains and our bodies will adapt to help us get through it. So what can naming the pressures of the holiday do for you?