The Blog

A space where I grapple with my own lessons, struggles, and faith. Sometimes I have reflection questions or freebies linked in posts. Sometimes I leave the post as unresolved as I am.

Know Yourself With Empathy Bonni Mace Know Yourself With Empathy Bonni Mace

When fear decides your vote

Fear, anger, and anxiety are powerful motivators for behavioral change and tend to see some of the highest returns on investment. Advertisers and marketers have known this for years. And since political campaigns are essentially one ginormous marketing effort, exploiting the fears of the American people can become quite lucrative both in cash money and votes.

Here’s a question - do you really want your exploited fear to be what decides your vote? Because the chances are, it will be.

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Faith Bonni Mace Faith Bonni Mace

My Fear Over Your Fear

When we say “faith over fear” are we actually saying “my fear over your fear?” Today, I have genuinely been asking myself this question and others. Is my position truly faith-based, or fear-based? Have I ranked my fears into what’s most terrifying to me, helping me determine my course of action, or am I truly placing my faith in God? Also, is it ok to rank my fears to help make my choices?

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