Group Class Starts In March 2025
Group Class Starts In March 2025 •

You’re reconstructing and ready for some intentional growing, but all you know to try is what your past faith community prescribed.
You recognize that everything you know to do in order to grow personally or spiritually is rooted in shoulds, shame, and structures that never fit who you are. How do you even begin to know what to incorporate to encourage shame-free growth and flourishing?
Friend, let me help.
“I've learned some invaluable lessons from this course that I truly believe I'm going to carry with me for the rest of my life. 10/10 would recommend.” - Tabatha O.
“This course changed the shape of my daily rhythms by helping me identify what was most important to me. It has been a God-send.” - Hannah H.
Guilt. Exhaustion. Excuses. Overwhelm. You’ve moved past all of this and you wonder if pursuing growth - especially spiritual growth - is even worth it? You aren’t the first person to ask this question.
In fact, Jesus himself addresses this:

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion?”
Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.
“Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me–watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
— Jesus, in Matthew 11
Ok, I’m In!
You’re invited to join me for 7 weeks as we explore what it might look like to rebuild healthier spiritual rhythms outside of toxic religion.
A rhythm of life that isn’t heavy, or ill-fitting but instead unforced, supportive, and full of grace.
The goal: to walk away with a flexible system of rhythms that fits your personality and your current phase of life which confidently supports your spiritual health and personal growth. And to gather the tools to adjust your rhythm as you need in the future.
Let’s get real with our values, create morning and evening routines, make space for deep work and real rest, and learn to set healthy boundaries around it all.
Reconstructing Life Rhythms Online Group classes
Next Group Class Starts This March!
Each week we will meet for one hour via Google Meet where Bonni shares teaching, research, and methods. Then you’ll get to ask questions, add feedback, or grapple with what’s not working. Together we’ll walk away from this 7-weeks with a system that’s designed to shutter shame and guilt and invite grace and delight - the real fertile soil of growth. This version of the class uses open-minded Biblical teaching to help establish and support your rhythm of life.
This class is set up as a Pay What You Can model. The estimated value of this class is $85, but you are invited to pay less or more as you can. Can’t afford the full value? It’s ok! No guilt or shame is invited to the check-out screen. Pay what you can and give yourself the gift of space to grow. Are you able to afford more, or feel this space is worth more to you? Your generosity to pay above the estimated value is used to help someone else invest in themselves through the gift of growth.
Those who pay the full value of the class or above will receive a voucher for a one-on-one Rhythms Coaching Session where we can talk through the specifics of your rhythm in depth. You’ll be able to schedule your session anytime during our 7 weeks together or up to a month after we have completed the group class.
Reserve your spot today - space is limited to the first 20 sign-ups per class.
Here’s How Other’s Have Benefitted
I was a brand new mom when I took the course, and I really needed to hear that it is okay to set aside a little time for myself; that it is important to find time to fill your cup up, and think about the way you do things. I never thought of rhythms of life or routines as a spiritual practice for the betterment of my faith and family before this course. Thank you Bonni!
-Alicia P.
Rhythms really helped me slow down, reflect and refocus some of my energy and finding time for my spiritual discipline. Bonni has a special gift of teaching and connecting to people and helping us grow in our faith. Bonni has a way of helping you discover the unique you that God created you to be and help you get started or renew in your spiritual growth and discipline no matter how busy your busy can be. It’s time well worth spent on you.
-Judy A.
As I went through each week, I learned so much about myself and my perceptions of who I was and how it related to my relationship with Jesus. I loved the safe environment that our small group was committed to. Realizing that setting boundaries, developing self-discipline, and practicing self-care are so important if we are going to grow in our relationship with God. This course helped me to get through a challenging time as I learned new tools to grow in my spiritual life as well as my personal life with Jesus.
-Nancy O.
I highly recommend this course to anyone who is looking to create space for the things they value, to find balance, and reconnect with authentic living. Bonni shares insight on how important it is to have rhythms and routines to help yourself check out of the crazy and find the time to connect with breath, with God, with self, and with the people who matter in your world.
-Alane P.