The Now And The Not Yet

“Bonni you’ve had a lot of transitions in the last couple of years.”

That’s what my counselor told me at my last session when I was reflecting on feeling not so resilient in the midst of another transition I am staring down. Kindergarten. Yep. I can’t handle the idea. It’s partially pandemic, partially my baby getting big, partially finding a new rhythm after a long haul of a season that was too fast paced for us. I’m still not sure what’s going to happen with my almost 5 year old when September rolls around but I’ll get there.

But that’s not what this post is about.

If you’re seeing this, chances are you were pointed to this site because I worked up the nerve to share it. And when I thought about people visiting a ghostly looking website with no new blog posts on it for nearly two years I thought I should maybe explain just a little, but also not too much.

You see I’ve been wholeheartedly where I’ve been over the last several years. Especially when a pandemic rolled around. So I’ve not crafted anything for myself. I’ve been using up all of my creative energy and I’ve not taken the time to remember that I can maybe have something to offer the world outside of an organizational brand.

So now I’m not there. Now. But I’m not quite here either. Not yet.

So, for now I sit in this weird in-between and work through another transition, the stages of grief, and ideas of what could be next. I’ll sit quietly for the most part because clarity and silence are buds, and quite frankly I haven’t bumped into either of them very regularly over the last 18 months. So while I reacquaint myself with clarity and silence, this website sits here as a pretty accurate representation of my life - the now and the not yet. What’s coming, but not quite here. And I’m not going to rush it because I know the trauma that can come with premature births.

If you want to be a part of the next part of my journey, your best way to do that is to sign up for my email list using the space below. I’ll send out a blast when I get rolling again. Until then, live as God’s well loved kid to the best of your ability today. ✌️


My Fear Over Your Fear