You don’t have to process your faith shifts alone.
I’m Bonni and I’ll create a grace-filled space for you to discover who you are and what you truly believe.
So many of us are waking up realizing that our belief systems were less about discovering God and more about creating certain kinds of people. We were taught that self-awareness was selfish, certainty was a sign of strong faith, and God favors behaviors over becoming.
You don’t have to deconstruct your faith alone anymore.
Let’s start with a freebie.
*I am not a therapist. If you need to process or heal from past spiritual abuse, I’m happy to help you find a qualified and helpful professional trained to do so.
I’m here to help you find a way forward.
I’m not here to tell you what to believe, you’ve had enough people doing that already. Instead, I want to teach you to practice empathetic curiosity which will help you cultivate a bit of Compassionate Confidence. Learning to trust yourself and extend yourself grace gives you a new framework to discover God’s nature without the traps of shame or certainty.
is a mindset where you learn to embrace all of who you are - strengths and weaknesses - with curiosity, grace, empathy, and love. I’m here to walk with you as you learn to live from this mindset instead of falling into the traps of an inflated ego or self-deprecating shame. As you learn to hold the tensions that exist in your own self, you become more capable of discovering what portions of your faith you truly believe and want to carry on in practice.
Compassionate Confidence
This is where we start:
Discover how to know yourself with empathy, grace, love, and compassion! I’ll teach you how to use the enneagram as a tool that cultivates empathetic self-awareness and shows you that you’re not wired incorrectly - actually, you’re a masterpiece!
If you’re going through a faith shift, chances are you’ve spent your life practicing inherited values from your faith community. Doing the work to notice and name your values can help you to see both yourself and your environment with clearer eyes. It can help you make more confident decisions or help you to extend more compassion when you encounter situations that clash with your values.
Spiritual practices, as they are taught in many church communities, are packed with guilt and shame triggers. Let’s expand our definition of spiritual practices and how we implement them by defining a rhythm of life that is aligned to who you are.
An evolving faith isn’t systematic. This client-led portion of coaching is designed to help you discover and grow with a grace-filled approach.

Seasons of shifting faith are often vulnerable and incredibly lonely.
That’s where I come in.
When we work together, I work to avoid making unwanted suggestions, interrupting, using the word “just” or “should” in shame-inducing ways, and I won’t rush you.
Instead I’ll help you learn about yourself with kindness and compassion and offer you thoughtful questions and practices to help you on your journey.